Kylie Minogue - In Your Eyes, караоке онлайн, клип, минусовка, текст песни!


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What on earth am I meant to do
In this crowded place there is only you
Was gonna leave now I have to stay
You have taken my breath away


Is the world still spinning around
(Spinning around, wooooooh)
I don't feel like coming down

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no surprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you

Destiny has a funny way
When it comes and takes all your cares away
I can't think of a single thing
Other than what a beautiful state I'm in


Is the world still spinning around
(Spinning around, wooooooh)
I don't feel like coming down

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no surprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you

With you, with you, with you...
With you, with you, with you...

Want to make it with you
With you, with you, with you...
With you...


Is the world still spinning around
(Spinning around, wooooooh)
I don't feel like coming down

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no surprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no surprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no surprise
I've been watching you lately
I want to make it with you

It's in your eyes...