Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know, караоке онлайн, клип, минусовка, текст песни!


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Средняя оценка 5.00. Кол-во пользователей оценивших запись: 22 Кавер-версия «Nadin&Ирина&Lara_Croft174. - Ой, говорила чиста вода...». Исполняет: Lara_Croft174.
Средняя оценка 5.00. Кол-во пользователей оценивших запись: 41 Кавер-версия «К/ф Гостья из будущего - Прекрасное далеко». Исполняет: ๏̯͡๏ Sashen*ka ๏̯͡๏
Средняя оценка 4.96. Кол-во пользователей оценивших запись: 53 Кавер-версия «Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know». Исполняет: Julia♥
Средняя оценка 4.94. Кол-во пользователей оценивших запись: 83 Кавер-версия «Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know». Исполняет: Александра
Средняя оценка 4.76. Кол-во пользователей оценивших запись: 49 Кавер-версия «Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know». Исполняет: Марина
Средняя оценка 5.00. Кол-во пользователей оценивших запись: 32 Кавер-версия «♥ Яна ♥ - ЦВЕТ НОЧИ». Исполняет: ♥ Яна ♥
Средняя оценка 4.93. Кол-во пользователей оценивших запись: 30 Кавер-версия «Михаил Круг - Владимирский централ». Исполняет: Бандерос

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Поиск исполнителя по алфавиту:
2 3 5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T W Z 
А Б В Г Д Е Ё Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Ю Я 

Now and then I think of
when we were together
Like when you said you
felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love
And it's an ache I still remember

You can get addicted
to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end
Always the end
So when we found we could not make sense
Well you said that
we would still be friends
But I'll admit that
I was glad that it was over

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened
And that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger
And that feels so rough
No you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records
And then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody
that I used to know

Now and then I think of all
the times you screwed me over
But had me believing it was always
something that I'd done
But I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch
you hung up on somebody
That you used to know...

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened
And that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger
And that feels so rough
You didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records
And then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody
that I used to know

(I used to know)
(That I used to know)
(I used to know)
